Corruption Tracker

Corruption Tracker Project

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The Corruption Tracker Project (“Tracker”, “CT”) aims to create an up-to-date, online tracker of all cases and robust allegations of corruption in the global arms trade. The project brings together a network of journalists, academics, and activists in the field, who contribute to an online database documenting the cases and allegations. The project aims to expose and oppose the systemic ways in which the global arms business poisons the well of politics worldwide. As the most corrupt business sector globally, the arms trade undermines good governance, drains resources from the people, and drives conflicts across the world. The corruption tracker seeks to shine a light into the shadows of this world’s most secretive and most deadly industry. Further, by gathering corruption data in one place, we wish to be a useful resource for anyone looking for quick, well-researched facts on an individual corruption case, as well as for those looking to identify patterns across a number of deals.

The Tracker is a collaborative project established in 2020 between the World Peace Foundation (“WPF”, Boston, M.A.), Shadow World Investigations (“SWI”, London, UK), and the Global Net Stop the Arms Trade (“GN-STAT”) at the Arms Information Centre (Freiburg, Germany). The tracker’s initial set of cases builds on the work of SWI and data collected by the WPF’s Compendium on Arms Trade and Corruption.

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